Galatians, the second of the Hippo/Africa Bible Commentary Series preaching commentaries written by Samuel Ngewa, is both a teaching resource for theological colleges and Bible schools all over the country as well as a book suited to lay readers who are looking for ways to preach and apply the Scriptures all over the world.This commentary is divided into preaching units that contain detailed exposition of the passages. It also features contemporary applications that the churched and the unchurched alike can apply today. Each unit is not intended to be preached as a sermon; rather, it provides material church leaders can draw from for sermon preparation. Each unit is then followed by two or three questions that are ideal for a small group or personal study for you as a church leader or a lay reader. Academic issues relating to the Greek text, disputes about interpretation, and other issues of academic importance are clarified in the extensive end notes within this one-of-a-kind commentary and trustworthy teaching and scriptural resource.
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